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"Together we can make a difference to preserve and improve human life"  

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Ducks you can sell them, eat their eggs and barter them at market.A gift like this could help a family rebuild their lives after a disaster.
$ 25

Ducks you can sell them, eat their eggs and barter them at market.A gift like this could help a family rebuild their lives after a disaster.


$ 25

A cow can give women a daily source of milk to drink, manure for crops and (a few months down the line) calves to sell or eat. Once her cow has calved, she will return one calf to CharityQuest, who can then loan it to another family. Projects like this give people the tools they need to become self-sufficient. A gift like this can therefore give so much.

$ 300
A poor family would really appreciate the extras a goat can provide there's fertiliser to spread, milk to drink and sell, plus kids too. Goats, bought locally, also give nomadic communities a mobile source of income.Once her goat give birth , she will return two baby goats to CharityQuest, who can then loan it to another family. Projects like this give people the tools they need to become self-sufficient. A gift like this can therefore give so much.

$ 85